Nose – Rhinoplasty (Nose job)
Nose – Rhinoplasty (Nose job)

Nose – Rhinoplasty (Nose job)

Indications: cases in which the size of the nose is disproportionate in relation to the face or presents a protruding bone, thick wings or a drooping tip. It is necessary to respect ethnic issues so that the nose fits with the patient. The surgeon should intervene not only in the aesthetic aspect, but also correcting functional problems, such as nasal obstruction caused by septal deviation.

Right time to do it: after age 18, when facial bones have stopped growing.

How the surgery is: The surgeon shapes the bone and cartilage structures to achieve the expected result. This can be done through internal incisions (classical rhinoplasty) or by external incisions (exo-rhinoplasty).

Type of anesthesia: local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia.

Duration of procedure: between one and two hours.

Hospital stay: usually, the hospital discharge happens on the same day.

Removal of stitches: in closed rhinoplasty, the stitches are internal, made from material absorbable by the body, thus they do not need to be removed. In cases where it is required to close the nasal opening the external stitches are removed after five days.

Scar Location: in closed nose jobs, there are no external scars. In open ones, the scar is on the anterior part of the nose, at the base of the columella (between the eyebrows).

Postoperative care: the patient needs to use nasal packing for 24 hours and rest for the first 48/72 hours, in order to reduce edema (swelling) that will disappear until the 12th day. Normal physical activities are possible after one week, period in which the plaster is removed. Physical exercises and sun are possible only after 30 and 45/60 days, respectively.

Return to activities: usually after the removal of the plaster, which happens in a week. In a light rhinoplasty after three days.
