

Technical name: implant of silicone prosthesis in the calves

Body part: calves

Age: from 18 years old

Anesthesia: Normally, epidural anesthesia, but it is also possible to use general anesthesia.

Duration of surgery: about 2 hours

Scar: on the back part of the knee. Because it is on the knee crease, it is very discrete.

The patient may choose this surgery for aesthetic reasons, in case of people who get embarrassed for thinking their legs are thin, and in case of medical recommendation for paralysis sequels, fractures or acquired or genetic anomalies.

Indication: Implants in the calves are indicated for patients who have little projection on the calf. By enlarging its volume, the leg shape, relatively to the thighs, becomes more natural and harmonic.

The projection produced by the calf implant is more posterior than lateral, that is, the calf will acquire more volume mainly behind the tibia (shin), becoming more noticeable when looked from behind rather than from the front.

Surgical technique:
• The incision (scar) is made on the posterior crease of the knee. The muscular fascia is opened (cover that coats the muscle).

Hospital stay: 24 hours.

It should be avoided to walk much and climb stairs. It is common to feel a little pain in the first 48 hours, but it can be controlled with anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers.

An elastic knee stocking should be worn for 14 days.

Complications: Although very rare, may occur: infection, hematoma, seroma, alteration of healing, thrombosis, and prosthesis extrusion.

Definitive result: The definitive result of any plastic surgery occurs after 6 months, due to the maturing of the scar. However, within two months, the shape is almost ready.
